4 things happy people say daily

Sean BowerHappiness isn’t something that kicks in when you get to a certain income level, it isn’t something that you can only find when everything is perfect, and it’s certainly not something that should be dictated to you.

Instead, happiness can be a frame of mind; a choice you make when you wake up in the morning.

But we could all use a little help finding that happiness at times, so to guide you towards it, here are 4 things happy people say almost every day…

1. It’s great to see you…

Many emotions are contagious, and happiness is no exception. So a significant part of making yourself happy is helping to make the people around you happy as well.

Instead of the generic “Hello,” show someone that it’s genuinely nice to have him or her there by going with, “It’s great to see you.” This will put the other person in a better mood, and that will stimulate the positive environment you want.

2. I’m so proud/excited that you did X…

Joy and happiness should be byproducts of achievements, but often times people will see other people’s accomplishments and try to compare their own accomplishments, which removes the joy from the situation.

Instead, celebrate the accomplishments of your friends and family. The person on the receiving end will feel great about it, you will feel better, and that person will be more likely to do the same for you. Let happiness lead to more happiness.

3. I used your advice…

One easy way to show people we appreciate them is to take their suggestions, advice, etc. It shows that you care what they have to say, and that will make anyone happy.

That will do two things. First, it will boost the general mood of the conversation and relationship. And second, it will make the other person want to continue making your life better…that’s only going to make YOU happier!

4. Thank you…

Showing appreciation has been proven to improve the overall mood of both you and the recipient. It can quickly build on a small act and even grow a relationship on something as simple as one person holding a door open for another.

Say thank you, mean it, and then feed off of the positive environment.

But to be totally honest, the biggest part of the equation is you and how you think about your current situation. If you wake up in the morning and decide to be happy, each and every one of the above points will only add to that happiness. But if you don’t let yourself be happy, saying them won’t turn everything around.

So begin working on your frame of mind. Be conscious of when you’re letting yourself feel down when all it could take to turn a bad day into a good day is smiling and telling yourself to be happy.

And even if you think saying some of the above statements on a daily basis won’t help, do yourself a favor and try it for a week. I think the results could surprise you!

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