The answer for obesity

MarkedwardsIt may not be fun to talk about, but I can almost guarantee that obesity is currently affecting the life of at least one person close to you.

And while many afflicted with obesity care mostly about the aesthetics that go along with it, let’s not forget that (more importantly) obesity is the root cause of most diseases.

But there’s a simple and logical answer to the obesity issues afflicting modern culture…

As usual, you’re faced with natural and unnatural alternatives, and we’ll look at those unnatural options in a second. Firstly, know about something called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of your body. This is the calories you burn simply by functioning during the day. This obviously varies from one person to the next, but it tends to be around 2,000 calories a day burned off just by existing. Pretty cool.

If you then figure on one pound of fat being 4,000 calories we can do the math…

If all we do is reduce our calorie intake to 1,000 a day (when our bodies are burning 2,000 a day just by existing), we will lose one pound of fat in just four days, without going to the gym.

How do you eat only 1,000 calories a day? Two choices: choose a day of food consisting of 2,000 calories but share HALF of it with someone. Or just cut down to 1,000 calories.

So that’s the simple version. Now let’s look at how the so-called diet drugs work:

Obesity continues to be “one of the most significant public health challenges facing the United States,” according to a report issued by the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services.

The drugs are meant for overweight and obese adults with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 or for those who have a weight-related condition, such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol or Type 2 diabetes, and a BMI over 27.

Pregnant women shouldn’t touch these drugs. And “they should never be taken for cosmetic purposes,” said Dr. Donna Ryan, professor emeritus at Pennington Biomedical Research Center and a consultant to drug companies.

Belviq works by intervening with your brain chemistry (seratonin levels) to give you the feeling that you’re fuller than you are after eating. In clinical trials, patients on average lost just 5 percent of body weight after taking the drug for a year along with eating less and exercising more. Fenfluramine, a similar serotonin-based weight-loss drug, was taken off the market in 1997 for heart concerns. Belviq shows “an increased incidence of adverse reactions related to cognition and mood,” according to the FDA. The most common side effects are headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, dry mouth and constipation.

Qsymia also intervenes with your brain’s natural chemistry regarding appetite. Approximately 62 percent of patients who took the recommended dose for a year, and dieted and exercised, lost at least 5 percent of their body weight, according to two trials. This has not been approved in Europe as they evidently believe it can cause suicidal thoughts.

Alli stops your body from digesting around 25 percent of the fat in what you eat. In clinical studies, people who took Alli while dieting typically lost 50 percent more weight than those who just dieted. But after 6 months, people on Alli had lost an average of only 5 percent of their body weight—about ten pounds; the diet-only group lost about seven pounds, on average. This isn’t surprising when you appreciate that it’s carbohydrates, more than fat, that cause weight gain.

“The total weight loss isn’t much to get excited about, and the price to the consumer can get pretty high,” says Kelly Brownell, PhD, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. Alli costs $1 to $2 a day, which means a 180-pound woman will pay up to $360 to lose just nine pounds over six months. If she follows the same diet and doesn’t take Alli, she’ll lose six pounds, no charge.

Next, here’s an interesting idea you might consider:

Your diet was already chosen for you thousands of years ago!

The pioneer of this breakthrough is one Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, who, with his father, has produced unequivocal evidence of this fact through decades of extensive research. Over to the doctor:

“Blood types are as fundamental as creation itself…They are the signature of our ancient ancestors on the indestructible parchment of history. Now we have begun to discover how to use the blood type as a cellular fingerprint that unravels many of the major mysteries surrounding our quest for good health. This work is an extension of the recent ground-breaking findings concerning human DNA…There is no right or wrong lifestyle or diet; there are only right or wrong choices to be made based on our individual genetic codes.”

Of course. It all seems so obvious with hindsight. Our blood is everything; it transports oxygen and nutrients around our bodies and to our brains, controls our immune system and chemical imbalances that can lead to stress and depression and if our heart stops pumping it, we die. Plus, we all know that if we are transfused with the wrong blood type, our bodies reject it. Two points come out of this:

Our blood group is unique and is the very essence of life itself.

Humans have survived for tens of thousands of years, not by being a strong, ferocious predator, but because they had intelligence; the intelligence to adapt to the environment- more specifically, the intelligence to live off whatever land they found themselves in. This is why we have four different blood groups- O, A, B and AB- because as we evolved, we were forced to find new lands and with different foods available to each. Obviously then, the blood group is directly linked to the digestive system and each blood group will have a diet most suited.

Skin color, creed, culture, country borders are all irrelevant when you consider this- we all have far more in common than we may have ever suspected. Here’s what happened:

All humans started off in central Africa and were O blood group types. This is therefore the most basic blood group and goes back to our very creation when we were essentially hunters of meat. However, 30,000 years later, humans were too many and game was too few, so people migrated out into Europe and Asia in search of food. This was how the A blood group came about; they discovered a more agricultural lifestyle and so were not so reliant on meat- these were mostly in Europe. The peoples that migrated the other way went into Asia and became the B blood group with evolution. The final group- AB- are a relatively modern mutation that started only 2,000 years ago and is simply a hybrid of the A and B blood groups. By the way, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ placed after each letter of the blood groups is insignificant in this context.

Make no mistake about what we’re revealing here; this is most likely the key to overcoming virtually all illness and playing a large part in overcoming stress, anger, and depression. The bigger picture. If we get an ailment, we automatically now run to our doctor for a drug to cure it, when what we should be doing is preventing it in the first place because the ailments you get are your body’s warning signs of something much bigger beneath the surface that will lead to a far nastier condition ultimately.

This is not theory- it’s science. Each blood type rejects certain foods.

When a non-compatible food comes into contact with the wrong blood group, the results can easily be seen under a microscope. The blood will clump around the food treating it as if it were a virus. These ‘clumps’ (called agglutination) put an enormous strain on your kidneys (the biggest cause of death in old age), your heart and digestive system causing bloating and IBS to name just a few.

Eating the right type of food for your own blood type is not a panacea, but it will ensure your immune system operates at full efficiency, return you to your ideal weight, slow down the aging process and ensure you’re less likely to suffer from life-threatening diseases. Most importantly though:

Eating the right food for your blood group type will make you feel more energetic and motivated; the driving force you need to put your plans for financial freedom into motion.

I’m now going to give you an overview of the diet suited to each of the four blood groups based on the work of Dr. D’Adamo. Also, remember that I am not a physician and as such, you should always consult your doctor if in doubt.

The O Type Diet

Being the most primitive blood group, this type thrives on a high-protein diet with plenty of physical exercise. The success of this diet depends on getting lean, organic meats and fish. On the other hand, dairy products are bad news as are grains (bread). If primitive man saw a cow, he wouldn’t milk it; he’d chop its head off for a nice steak dinner! The agricultural techniques that produce grains and milk were not around for another 30,000 years. Why are O types so prone to stomach ulcers? Because of their especially high stomach-acid content designed for breaking down meat!

It’s particularly interesting to note that Afro-Caribbean people, who are the purest form of O blood group being so directly descendant from Africa, can quite often be completely dairy-product and grain intolerant. The medical profession are quick to claim it’s a food allergy, and they’re right, just not for the reasons they’re thinking! The offending substance for O types is a substance called Gluten, which is so commonly found in bread and pasta, but many stores are now offering gluten-free substitutes. Similarly, dairy products can be replaced with soymilk and cheese.

Why is it that the Atkins Diet (the high protein diet) is so successful? Because the majority of people in the West are O blood types and respond well to this. If you’re not an O type and you’re on the Atkins diet, how’s it going?

You will respond better to a good workout than any other blood type due to your hunter ancestry. By the same token though, if you’re not engaged in some sort of regular sport or physical activity, you will suffer mentally and physically more than the other types. Find something you enjoy doing- a sport maybe- and that way you’re more likely to not see it as a chore. You really need to be looking at something that lasts a minimum of 30 minutes three times a week. O types are prone to despondency without this regime.

For O types (probably most of you reading this), the best antidote for lethargy and depression is physical activity whether you like it or not!

The A Type Diet

This type flourishes on vegetarian biased diets as a result of their ancestry of pioneering agriculture. A-types should perhaps listen to this more than any other type because they are the most prone to heart disease, cancer and diabetes if their diet is not adjusted. Meats tend to have the opposite effect on A-types. They have very low levels of stomach acid and are therefore considerably more inclined to stomach cancer. Grains, fish, and vegetables should form the basis of the diet.

This type of blood group is better suited to yoga and swimming for half an hour three times a week rather than rigorous, physical exercise.

The B Type diet

Type B is quite a fortunate one because it combines many of the good things of both A and O blood groups, they find it easier to control weight and are highly resistant to life-threatening diseases. They are most common in Asia and the East, which is partly why obesity, cancer, and heart disease are less common there. B-types’ ancestors had to be flexible to survive the sometimes-hostile lands of the East, and this flexibility is evident in the diet they prosper on.

The ‘no-nos’ here are basically game, corn, buckwheat, and lentils. Chicken should ideally be avoided in favour of lamb and beef, believe it or not too. Seafood, beans, and cheese are good news.

With regard to exercise, like the diet, you are pretty flexible in that you can benefit from both physical and more-gentle exercises. This aspect of balance is extremely prevalent in Chinese culture; the central concept of ‘Yin-Yang’ and leading a life of balance and harmony.

The AB Type Diet

This is a modern mutation in relative terms, which is why it only accounts for 2 to 5 percent of the world population. It’s a real mismatch inheriting some of the best and some of the worst of both A and B blood groups. Most meats should be avoided apart from lamb and turkey. Dairy foods are fine mostly.

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