Lose these 2 words & become wealthy

Sean BowerI’m not sure if people are born with it, if people learn it from experience, or if it’s taught through parenting and schooling, but there’s a very common idea that keeps the vast majority of people from achieving real success.

It’s the root of all mediocrity, and it’s a shame because it’s nothing more than a simple thought that could be holding you back.

But the good news is that you could easily rid yourself of this burden by eliminating these 2 words from your vocabulary…

I Can’t

Those 2 simple words are the basis of why most people never achieve their goals.

Now before you think this is going to be nothing but me telling you, ‘You can! Just believe and you can achieve anything!” it’s not. Please let me explain.

No matter how it happens, it’s evident that most people are taught or feel like they have to create excuses to make sure they never make that first step toward their goals.

In my opinion, it could be due to any one of these:

  • Pure laziness,
  • Self doubt,
  • Contentment with mediocrity, or
  • Fear of failure.

If you’re lazy, you’ll always find an excuse to not begin something potentially beneficial for you, even if someone else is showing you it can be done…

Sure, you can do that. But I never got an education like you.”

Or, “I never had the opportunities you had.”

Or, “I’m just not as good as you in XYZ.”

The self-doubters will never have enough belief to reach their goals. They’ll often use example 3 from above to say “I can’t do that.”

Then they simply won’t try.

I’ve also found that some people have simply been conditioned to accept and be satisfied with mediocrity. They think they’re happy to work hard just to barely pay the bills.

These people have to be woken up from this nightmarish belief before they can achieve success.

And finally, fear of failure often holds people back. To those people, a lack of self-belief often triggers that fear. If they believed they could do it, they wouldn’t even think of failing as a possibility.

What I want you to do today is take a step back and reflect on your life. If you haven’t yet found the success you crave, why is that?

There is a way to climb out of any of those holes to begin the journey towards your goals. You simply have to find the will to do so.

If you want to get to retirement (a goal many people have), check out our retirement calculator on The Midas Legacy site. That page gives you a glimpse of how retirement could soon be within your reach.

So take that first step by ridding yourself of “I can’t.”

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