Steal this secret of the Rich Man

Sean BowerHave you ever noticed that wealthy and successful people tend to have many similarities to one another?

It’s not a coincidence.

There are psychological and practical reasons for doing certain things, and those secrets of the rich are a part of how they achieved the goals that have gotten them to where they are now.

So why wouldn’t you copy them?! Steal this secret of the Rich Man by making a tiny change to your daily life, and see how it affects your pursuit of success…

You may have heard that the vast majority of wealthy people go to sleep and wake up earlier than most others, or that they tend to systemize everything.

But a much lesser-known commonality of the rich and successful is the decision to wear the same thing day in and day out.

Here’s a quick list of examples to get us started:

  • Steve Jobs – Apple Cofounder: Black turtleneck and jeans
  • Michael Kors – Fashion Designer: Black T-shirt and black jacket
  • Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook Founder: Gray T-shirt
  • Tom Wolfe – Author and Journalist: White suit
  • Albert Einstein – Theoretical Physicist: Gray suit (with no socks and crazy hair)

That list goes on for quite a while, but you get the idea. There’s clearly a distinct sub-section of successful people who made the choice at one time or another to wear the same thing every day.

And the achievements of those people speak for themselves…

So while you start picking out the perfect combination of clothing to wear each day, let’s look at why this secret of the rich and successful help them achieve greatness:

1. Eliminates Stress

A very prominent reason for stress in the daily lives of many people is their appearance, which clothing is obviously a huge part of. So instead of stressing out about what to wear each day, the Rich Man who wears the same thing every day will eliminate that taxing part of life.

2. Time Saver

The most basic advantage of wearing the same thing from day to day is the fact that you save time – time spent deciding what to wear, time spent getting outfits ready, and time shopping for new cloths.

3. Promotes Confidence

A (perhaps) odd benefit of wearing the same thing over and over is that you’ll begin feeling more and more comfortable in that outfit, which in turn becomes a feeling of confidence. That set of clothes will become your “successful” go-to outfit.

Imagine starting each day off with a confidence boost by knowing exactly what you wear. Think about the feeling you get when you put on your best shirt or favorite dress!

4. Reinforces Priorities

Wealthy and successful people don’t achieve their status in life by accident. A big part of their achievements will come from having the right set of priorities.

Wearing the same thing every day is a way of telling yourself (and others), “Rather than focusing on how I look each day, I’m focused on checking off goal after goal and striving for success.”

5. Removes Un-necessities

Think about how much money, time, and effort you put into your clothes right now. From shopping to organizing your closet to making sure everything still fits each time you put on a set of clothes, you end up spending a vast amount of time on some very unnecessary activities and actions.

By wearing the same clothes each day, you’ll save yourself from wasting all of the above!

So you tell me: is it a coincidence that so many wealthy and successful people wear the same clothes every day?

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