The top 3 emerging trends

Jim_SamsonWorried about the stock market? Wondering how much sinking oil prices will hurt the economy? Concerned about a global recession pulling us down?

While those fears are certainly legitimate, there’s one industry that’s on the up and up right now – real estate.

But if you want to be one of the people benefiting from it, you need to know these 3 emerging trends that are shaping the new real estate landscape…

The New Suburbs

Millennials certainly make up a different generation that prides itself on not being normal, but some things never change. For instance, they still want to own homes, they still want families (despite holding off on kids for longer), and they still want good schools for their children.

But while suburbs are still destination for many, they won’t necessarily be the suburbs we’ve known. Millennials still want to be connected to with urban life, so be prepared for growing transit-oriented suburban development that allows this generation to easily get from suburban home to city hub.

18-Hour Cities

For years and years, 24-hour cities have been the big man on campus. Now it looks like the “Second-tier” 18-hour cities are ready for their turn.

So while New York, Los Angeles, etc. will still be vibrant and alive, cities like Austin and Portland are quickly on the rise. The combination of lower cost of living with emerging opportunities in these areas is creating a whole new trend in real estate and otherwise.

The Impact of Renting

Renting is actually becoming easier than ever, and it’s being done in brand new ways. Take Airbnb for instance. Airbnb is a website designed for people to temporarily rent out their homes to those looking for lodging.

And it’s actually grown to the point where people are picking up property with the sole intention of renting it out on Airbnb. So while this trend continues to grow, it’s time to ask questions like, “Will an Airbnb house in my neighborhood bring down the value of my own house?”

Winning in real estate is about spotting the trends and knowing where they’re going to lead…

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