About Us

DowntownThank you for finding out more about The Midas Legacy, a financial commentary and advisory, with our physical headquarters established in Central Florida. We offer research services for individual investors to manage their finances, we do not manage money.

The Midas Legacy is for individuals who want the following:

  • To receive free daily commentary about stock markets and any investing opportunities that arise.
  • To learn more about how investing and trading works, even if you’re a total novice.
  • To take control of your financial future and build a comfortable retirement.
  • To learn some of the truths about the financial system, how it’s unfairly rigged against the little guy, and how to play the game instead of being played.
  • To have the opportunity to be advised by trading and investing experts.

Over 70% of the investment managers you give your hard-earned money to fail to even beat the S & P 500, and yet the bankers themselves are making a fortune. Meanwhile time is running out to secure your financial future in an uncertain and fast-changing world…

Something is very wrong with this picture, but The Midas Legacy mission is to paint you a much rosier one.

Whatever is happening in markets, up or down, someone somewhere is profiting from the action. Through our training programs and advisories, we aim to make that someone YOU.

Our experts walk the talk; traders consisting of hedge fund managers, bestselling authors, and Wall Street Journal-quoted experts. Check out their credentials on our ‘Traders’ page.

Above all, our foundation for success is based on decades of empirical data that shows what strategies are successful over time.

All our combined expertise is now yours.