5 common ‘super healing’ herbs

MarkedwardsWe all know that medicine is a multi-billion dollar industry. Big Pharma pushes out pill after pill, each of which has its own unique side effects that sometimes dwarf the original problem.

Most of the world has become a slave to this gigantic money grab, but you don’t have to…

Just look towards some of the miracles of nature, like these 5 ‘super healing’ herbs that can change your life for the better right now…

1. Rosemary

There are potent carcinogens – that have been heavily linked with cancer – that are created by grilling, frying, or broiling meats at high temperature. But Rosemary contains rosemarinic acid and carnosol, which are both antioxidants that fight off those carcinogens.

So before grilling up some meat, why not throw on some rosemary powder?

2. Turmeric

A growing problem that seems to hinder everyone at some point is arthritis. If this is a problem for you, you may want to give Turmeric a try.

Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a strong anti-inflammatory. Perhaps consider a turmeric-heavy curry meal as part of your regular diet if you have issues with arthritis.

3. Holy Basil

Everybody deals with some level of stress from time to time, right? What if you could limit or avoid some of that stress just by integrating a natural herb into your life?

Often used in pesto sauce, holy basil is strongly linked through trials to reducing stress. And to take it a step further, there are also hopes that holy basil can inhibit breast cancer.

4. Garlic

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has said that ingesting large amounts of garlic lowered rates of cancers, including colorectal, ovarian, and others.

Plus, there have been studies that show garlic may also provide cardiovascular benefits, such as decreasing high blood pressure.

5. Cinnamon

For type 2 diabetics, cinnamon might truly be a ‘super healing’ herb. That’s because studies have found cinnamon to reduce blood sugar by roughly 10% in for people afflicted with that disease.

And another potential benefit of this herb is the lowering of cholesterol, which would reduce heart risks if that’s the case.

With these ‘super healing’ herbs, you could easily become healthier naturally!

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