6 natural steps to fight off strep

Strep throat is the worst!

Especially if you’re getting up there in age.

Whether it’s the fever, the pain, the swollen tonsils, the headaches, or any number of the symptoms, it’s something I don’t want to deal with.

That’s why I spent time researching the best home remedies that make up these 6 steps to fight off strep…

1. Elderberry

Elderberry has been linked with a healthy respiratory system, and can help fight both bacterial and viral infections.

Elderberry can be consumed in many ways, including elderberry tea, capsules, and powder.

2. Raw Honey

Taking a dose of raw honey each day enhances your health-promoting antioxidants.

This boosts your immune system and helps sooth strep throat. The texture of honey helps create a thick protective barrier which fights off infection.

Raw honey is a must for any kind of throat infection.

3. Vitamin C

This is probably the most obvious remedy, but I feel like you can’t mention sore throats without mentioning vitamin C.

I could talk to you for days about vitamin C, but the short of it is this: vitamin C is the best thing you can take for your immune system.

It also repairs tissue damage in your throat and reduces your risk of hundreds of other illnesses.

Take 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day to prevent infection, or take 4,000 mg a day to get rid of an infection.

Oranges, kale, strawberries, grapefruit, and kiwi are packed with it.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea has the ability to act as an immune-enhancing herb that stops bacterial infections like strep throat. The phytochemicals work to stop the bacteria from entering healthy cells.

When using this remedy, you should try to take Echinacea in tea or capsule form the second you feel symptoms coming on.

It’ll work wonders for you if you can catch it early enough.

5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked as a cause for respiratory infections amongst many of the health industry’s leading doctors.

It’s suggested that if you’re under 70, you should be taking 15 micrograms a day, and 20 micrograms a day if you’re older than 70.

6. Gargle with Himalayan Salt

This final home remedy works like a charm.

Pink Himalayan salt mixed into water reduces any swelling of the throat when it’s gargled.

The bad bacteria in your throat struggles to provide in the environment created by the Himalayan salt, and dies off before it’s able to infect you.

When you feel that strep throat coming on, mix pink Himalayan salt with warm water and gargle 2-3 times a day.

You’ll feel the bad bacteria dying off instantly.

I recommend using all 6 of these remedies the second you feel any strep throat symptoms coming on. If the symptoms don’t go away, continue the remedies until you’re 100% again.

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