6 Secrets to a Better Day

I’m always looking for new ways to change my routine to find ultimate happiness, but I always find myself coming back to these 6 simple secrets…

And when I say simple, I mean simple.

Something like a 5-minute change to your morning can keep you energized and focused throughout the day. It’s those kinds of easy changes that will enhance each day for you.

I’m going to share 6 of those simple and easy habits so that YOU can start enjoying more happiness and productivity, too…

1. Pack yourself a healthy snack

One of the best changes I ever made to my routine is taking an extra few minutes in the morning to pack myself something healthy to eat during the day. Whether it’s carrots, nuts, or whatever, it makes a world of difference.

Instead of getting hungry, grouchy, and sluggish around 3:00 P.M., I now get a boost of energy that keeps me focused and productive!

2. Turn your phone off

Find a chunk of time – 20 or 30 minutes – to turn your phone off each day. Your phone has the potential to be a distraction at any point, so it may subconsciously be hindering your focus.

Switch it off for a period of time in order to be ultra productive.

3. Wake up earlier

This is a life-changer!

It’s easy to fall into a bedtime routine and resist change in that regard, but if you can make a concerted effort to go to sleep a bit earlier and wake up 30 minutes to an hour earlier, you’ll whole day will be better.

You won’t be rushed in the morning, you’ll have EXTRA time to spend however you want, and you’ll be able to organize your schedule and mind before the day even really begins!

4. Revisit goals

I do this in the morning after I get to the office, but you can choose anytime that’s good for you: sit down and revisit your goals everyday.

This well keep you motivated by knowing exactly what you’re working towards. Aimlessness turns into severe sluggishness, but focus equal productivity.

5. Don’t overdo today because of yesterday

You’re going to fall behind every once in awhile. It’s going to happen – get over it. You’re not going to be able to accomplish the tasks you had set for the day sometime soon, for whatever reason. Don’t spend an extra few hours trying to make up for it the next day.

This is the easiest way to burn out and become unmotivated to start working towards your goals the next day. Plus, you need a certain amount of sleep and “you time” in order to revitalize yourself.

6. Don’t count all tasks as equal

Not everything is equal. This should be reflected in how you prioritize your tasks for the day, week, month, and year.

If you have a to-do list that includes “answer emails” and “complete step 2 of project”, make sure you know which is more important and which needs to get done first.

Making these small changes has the potential to make you happier AND more productive day in and day out!

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