Cancer killer revealed?

MarkedwardsIn detective movies and TV shows we’re told that a serial killer subconsciously wants to get caught, and that’s why they leave clues behind; a distress signal of sorts, asking the police to rescue the murderer from their dastardly deeds. (The reality is quite different. Serial killers usually get caught because they eventually get complacent and sloppy.)

Some research suggests that cancer could be acting like the proverbial TV serial killer by sending out coded messages that would result in its demise—‘rescue me’ clues…

Furthermore, this same research points to a link between cancer and joint pain that few appear to have noticed. And this link could facilitate our body’s immune system acting on these ‘cries for help’ from that notorious serial killer: cancer.

Imagine that your immune system is your body’s detective in pursuit of the serial killer. But this serial killer is particularly hard to catch because he’s a former detective. Remember: cancer is caused by a faulty immune system over-healing a part of the body, thus causing a tumor.

Let’s begin with the research that came from the University of East Anglia:

Their study showed that the MMP-8 gene in a cancer cell sent a signal to the immune system to attack the tumor.

Patients whose breast tumors have more of this gene seem to do better.

Cancer Research UK said the research provided “very early clues” as to how the gene might recruit cells to fight breast cancer.

Scientists from UEA worked with clinicians at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital to look in detail at the patterns of MMPs in breast tumors from patients. Their study reveals that the matrix metalloproteinase-8 enzyme (MMP-8) could be acting as the ‘good guy’ by alerting the immune system to the location of the tumor.

Professor Dylan Edwards, lead researcher from UEA’s School of Biological Sciences: “We now think that in tumors, MMP-8 acts as a sort of ‘find me’ signal to the immune system, which then becomes activated to attack the tumor, which may help to explain its protective function.”

What’s particularly interesting here is that drugs used in the 1990s to treat cancer actually blocked this gene, and those drugs failed to treat cancer. A strange coincidence?

Dr. Emma Smith, senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: “This study provides very early clues as to how the MMP-8 protein might actually play the role of a ‘good cop’ and recruit immune cells to fight breast cancer.

“And, rather than seeing the MMP-8 protein as a ‘bad cop’ in breast cancer, recent research has shown that levels of this protein are raised in women who do relatively well. Yet, until now, we haven’t known why this should be the case.”

An ongoing message relates to this: cancer cells are biologically different to healthy cells, ipso facto, they act differently and resultantly ‘blow their cover’.

And by responding with proven natural remedies that only act a certain and deadly way on cancer cells while ignoring the healthy cells, you have a kind of sniper strategy going on (see the Cure DVD for more about these remedies).

Conversely, chemo makes no such distinction; it kills ALL cells indiscriminately. It’s like comparing carpet-bombing to a sniper shot.

Once again we can see that these microscopic serial killers are leaving clues behind, because they want to get caught, in a sense.

So what exactly is this MMP-8 gene? Is there a way to activate it?

What I can tell you is that MMP-8 is found in connective tissue.

As you may know, lack of healthy connective tissue in your joints is also what causes joint pain. So could there be a link between cancer and joint pain? Does lack of quality connective tissue in our joints mean less MMP-8 is available?

If you’re not on a quality supplement for joint health support, I suggest you get on one. Even if you don’t suffer from joint pain, it’s likely you will at some point as your joints wear out, and prevention is better than cure. Plus, with this shocking new evidence, the benefits of ensuring healthy joints seem to keep multiplying.

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