Copy this billionaire’s 5 wealth secrets

Sean BowerI’m not precisely sure of the root of it, but for some reason there’s always been a large portion of the population that resents wealthy people. And to be perfectly honest, I get it if we’re talking about someone inheriting a fortune or something like that.

But for a self-made billionaire, I have nothing but admiration. In fact, I want to learn as much as I can from that person.

Doing so has gotten me far along my own path towards real wealth, and that could be all you need to unlock your secret to riches…

As a bit of an idol of mine, Richard Branson, of Virgin Group, is truly a self-made man. He’s well known as one of the richest men alive, valued by Forbes at over $5 billion!

Here are 5 secrets to a happy and successful life from this entrepreneurial pioneer:

1. Know your weaknesses

I moved this one up to first place on the list because of what this has done for me. You see, I’ve always tried to compensate for my weaknesses by overextending myself, trying to circumnavigate the issue, etc.

While I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to handle it all on my own, I was actually making things more difficult for myself and my business.

It was a life-changing revelation when I took Branson’s advice, identified my weaknesses, and began surrounding myself with people who excel in the areas I struggle. I’ve never looked back.

2. Create a bold vision

It’s not enough to want to be rich. It’s not even enough to set a goal for yourself to have $X amount in your bank account. What Branson will tell you is that you need to create a bold vision that makes you AND others better off.

The visions should be the motivation and navigation for everyone involved.

3. Don’t enjoy your work? Change what you do or how you do it

It’s amazing to me how many people end up going through life hating what they do. I understand that you have responsibilities. But don’t you have a responsibility to yourself to be happy?

So ask yourself right now, do you enjoy your work? If not, either change HOW you do it, or WHAT it is that your do.

4. Allow yourself to make mistakes

Any successful person will tell you that they made plenty of mistakes along the way. In fact, most of them will probably admit that those mistakes were necessary.

Fear of erring will keep you from taking the necessary risks to accomplish something great.

5. Be nice

This might seem like a kindergarten rule, but there are great men who go out of their way to mention this as a key to their success. Whether it’s karma, cause and effect, or something else entirely, treating people kindly all of the time will surely reward you.

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