How this heals nearly ANY ailment…

There’s a natural substance that’s in plenty of supply on this planet and in our bodies that has the potential to heal nearly any ailment.

Doctors will continue to prescribe numerous medicines – chemical man-made substances – while never revealing that there’s a simple, naturally occurring, practically free cure to numerous physical ailments.

What is this nature-made miracle? I’ll let you in on the simple secret of nature that could give you a healthier life right now…

Water. Too good to be true? Well, it is true!

Water is nature’s medicine. Our bodies are made up of 75% water, which regulates all the functions of the body. Water makes up nearly 85% of our brain, about 80% of our blood and about 70% of lean muscle. When we are not properly hydrated, our bodies cannot function correctly.

Which suggests the question, “Are you sick or are you dehydrated?”

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water” wrote:

“Since my eyes were opened to water as a natural medication, I have developed and applied this technique to the point where it has alleviated and healed hundreds of traditionally incurable sicknesses and chronic pains.

I have seen water reverse conditions such as asthma, angina, hypertension, migraine headaches, arthritis pain, colitis pain, chronic constipation, heartburn and hiatal hernia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, high cholesterol, morning sickness, overweight problems, even heart problems thought to need bypass surgery. All these conditions have responded simply and permanently to water. Ordinary natural water.”

Water is the second most important nutrient to the human body next to oxygen! We know we need air, why don’t we think we need the proper amount of water too?

It is a well-known fact that nearly 75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. We simply do not drink enough. We over-medicate and under hydrate!

Why are we so willing to drug ourselves with chemicals that many times do not blend well with our bodies in a natural way, yet we are unwilling to drink more water and heal ourselves naturally? You may argue that you drink a lot during the day, however, coffee, soda and other such drinks, of course contain some water, but they are not properly hydrating due to their other ingredients such as caffeine and sugar, which add to dehydration.

Among people over 65, dehydration is one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization.

As growth hormone production decreases in our early twenties, the thirst response begins to decrease. As we age and become less aware of being thirsty, so we drink less water.

Water losses as small as 9-12% total body weight can be fatal.

When our bodies become dehydrated, the brain must sort out which areas need the water the most, so it begins to ration out the water. The areas that lose even more hydration, then begin to show unfavorable physical symptoms. When there is not enough water to go around, our organs and various body parts stop functioning properly. Machinery cannot function unless it is properly lubed, and our bodies are no different!

For instance, even mild dehydration can slow your metabolism up to 3%, and dehydration is the number one cause of fatigue!

According to the Panhandle Health District of Idaho, Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers, and drinking five glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and you are 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. All from simply keeping your body properly hydrated!

Wow! If we all did that, it would take a small chunk away from the billion-dollar cancer industry!

No wonder doctors will never just tell you that your problem could simply be dehydration!   Water could put them out of business! They could never tell us “Go home, drink 8 glasses of water and call me in the morning!” There’s no profit in that!

What about the huge diet industry? Did you know that in 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. Studies have proven that one glass of water will shut down hunger pangs for almost all dieters!

Even slight dehydration can sap your energy and make you feel lethargic. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. Perhaps these symptoms are just old age – after all, they are merely dehydration!

Water is essential for proper digestion, circulation, nutrient absorption, waste elimination and flexibility of the blood vessels. It keeps your body temperature regulated and moisturizes the skin from the inside, keeping it healthy, supple and clear, as well as preventing premature aging due to toxic buildup.

Many ailments classified as “diseases” respond amazingly well to proper hydration, including all conditions associated with diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity and cardiovascular problems. Asthma, as well, can be the body’s manifestation of dehydration, and can be prevented or controlled in many cases by simply getting enough water.

Dehydrated cells shrivel. Most people don’t think of dehydration as a cause of pain, but this shriveled state of our cells can cause headaches and muscle and joint pain.

How do you know if you are dehydrated?

Mild symptoms include thirst, dizziness, dry mouth or nose, slowed urine production. Moderate dehydration can cause dry eyes, poor skin elasticity, rapid breathing, low blood pressure or a fast pulse. More severe dehydration shows itself as fainting, severe muscle contractions, heart failure, kidney problems, bluish skin and eventually death.

Humans can survive several weeks without food, but not even a week without water!

So, how do you know how much to drink?

Ideally, the amount of water you should drink daily depends on several factors, and if you want to get serious about staying hydrated, and doing it properly, Josef Tyls, PhD states that “Individual needs vary depending on factors such as climate, diet and exercise level, but an adequate amount of water is about 10 to 12 full glasses per day. Here’s an ideal way to calculate it: divide your body weight in half, then drink that amount in ounces (one ounce equals two tablespoons or 30 milliliters). Remember that although you may not need the full amount, drinking water adds no calories to your diet and can be great for your health.”

He continues, “We lose about three liters of water each day through perspiration, urine and respiration, which is why your body’s stores must be continually replenished. Waiting until thirst hits isn’t always the best idea; you’re already dehydrated by then! A good gauge to see if you are drinking enough water is to check your urine. Unless you take B vitamins, your urine should be very pale yellow to almost clear. If it’s dark in color (and not because of excess vitamins), then increase your water intake.”

Give it a try. Make a commitment to staying hydrated and pay attention to how you feel. Studies have proven that staying hydrated can heal the body.

Doesn’t drinking fresh water everyday sound so much nicer than numerous, stressful, expensive visits with the doctor and feeding your body lots of strange chemicals that merely subdue the symptoms but don’t actually cure them?

Oxygen and water are vital to our health, give your body what it needs and it will thank you by giving you a healthier, better quality of life!

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