How to overcome productivity’s biggest enemy

Productivity has many enemies.

Think about the last time you should’ve been productive, but you were too lazy, tired, or distracted.

Those are 3 common enemies of productivity that you can easily overcome. But the one I want to face today is the biggest productivity killer of all…


I tend to think that stress is the great indicator—it reveals whether you have the guts to keep going or if you’re simply going to shy away and accept your place in life.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve how you handle stress. So why not take advice from a person who’s successfully battled stress time and time again (me) and deal with it like this…

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

This is probably the thing I’ve struggled with most when it comes to handling stress, so don’t worry if you feel the same way. Sometimes talking to others about meaningful things can be difficult, but it’s vital.

People often create imaginary barriers when they think about asking for help – “well I don’t want to bother that person”, or “they’re probably too busy to help me, etc. – but I’ve found that people are happy to help when I ask for it.

I can also tell you that it becomes easier the more you do it, and it also helps you become more open to helping others. It’s a wonderful cycle.

2. Keep work-life and home-life separate

If you aren’t careful, stress at work can take a serious toll on your personal life, and vice versa.

But if you can separate the two, you can pull strength and encouragement from 1 when dealing with difficulties in the other. Let your home life support your work life and let your work life support your home life.

3. Discover outlets that work for you

For me, exercising helps me deal with stress. I immediately feel better after I go for a run or hit the gym. This helps me deal with stress and put it in perspective.

If you can find an outlet to deal with stress, you’ll be able to compartmentalize and stay productive.

4. Zone in on motivation

First, any successful person has clear motivation that makes them strive for success to begin with. But when dealing with stress, keeping that motivation in focus will allow you to almost push stress to the side or at least make it much easier to deal with. On the flip side, forgetting about your motivation will allow stress to become the driving force in your life.

Stress can kill productivity every single day. If you feel unproductive and aren’t sure why, try those 4 tips to keep stress at bay.

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