How to stop trusting the wrong people

Putting your trust in someone extends a lot further than telling them your feelings.

You may not think you trust people outside of close family or friends, but that’s not the case.

You trust the person who serves you food at a restaurant, you trust a cab driver, you trust your bank teller.

In all of these situations, trusting strangers is a necessary part of society, but people take advantage of that every day.

I’m going to give you a checklist to make sure you’re not trusting the wrong sort of people with your health, safety, and money.

It will save you from some of the most sinister scams out there.

While I applaud you for putting your skeptical glasses on, you have to admit that the world wouldn’t function if we didn’t trust people.

Now, I’m not talking about telling your feelings or your fears or your goals.

You don’t have to pour your heart out to someone to place your trust in them.

It’s scary how much we rely on the good faith of strangers to get through our day.

When’s the last time you went out to eat?

You trusted the cook to serve you food safe to eat, you trusted the server to bring it to you without contamination, and you trusted the dishwasher that your plate and silverware were clean.

I hope you don’t swear off restaurants forever because you don’t trust that people you haven’t met have done all these things to maintain your well-being, or in this case, your health.

It just goes to show we don’t realize how much of our lives we spend at the advantage of someone else, and we tend to assume the worst about people.

But you’re right to be hesitant to trust people with your safety (a rickety old bus could be your public transport) and your money (get-rich-quick schemes are everywhere).

There are people out there who would take advantage of your vulnerability and entangle you in a scam you have no desire to be in.

I want to make sure that while you don’t shut yourself in and never trust anyone again, you put your faith in the right people, so you’re not swindled for someone else’s gain.

I have a checklist you should follow, before you consider giving someone an advantage over you.

This goes for your health, safety, and money. Don’t trust any of these things to people who would raise a red flag on our checklist.

  • Consider what they stand to gain.

In the case of online scams that promise impossible profits in exchange for a payment, or personal identifying information, think about what they stand to gain should you say yes.

If you give $1,000 to a get-rich-quick pyramid scam, you’re never going to see that money again. It’s theirs.

If you insert your Social Security Number (SSN) into an online form, that “business” now has grounds to steal your identity.

Make sure that what you stand to gain is more than the person you’re putting your trust in.

That way, they can’t take advantage of you.

For example, here at The Midas Legacy, we offer products to help you build a steady, reliable fortune. All of our products are tried and true for making you money.

We offer these products for your monetary gain, not ours. And we thank you for your trust.

  • Think about what you know about this person or business.

Are they reputable? Reliable? Heard of by someone you know?

If the answer to these questions is no, do some more research.

Nowadays, anyone can make a website or take out an ad. Make sure whatever it is you’re trusting is legitimate.

  • Imagine the roles reversed.

If you were the one offering this deal or service, would you be satisfied with the terms?

Say you’re looking to join a gym. They offer limited hours, one location, and hidden monthly fees.

If you were the gym owner, would you be happy with the product you’re presenting?

I would guess the answer would be no. Only place your trust in ventures you would get behind.

  • Consider what would happen if you denied them.

Play devil’s advocate for a moment.

What happens if you say no?

You’re in a store, and at the checkout line they offer you a credit card to get a discount off your purchase.

If you say yes, that’s a blemish to your credit report and another added expense.

If you say no, you just pay the sum you already agreed to pay when shopping.

No harm done. You don’t have to trust this store with your sensitive information, and you can continue shopping unbothered.

  • Make a decision based on your instincts and prior knowledge.

Now you have to choose.

Do you place your health, your safety, or your money in the care of this person or business?

Whatever you decide, it’s a case-by-case basis.

Keep in mind that scam artists lurk around every corner, but most people can be trusted to perform the basic functions of society.

Don’t spend your days afraid of shadows, but do keep your eyes open to unscrupulous characters that would take advantage of your trust.

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