It’s time to retire the right way…

Retirement comes in all different shapes and sizes.

Some people want to move out to the country, some people prefer the city; some people want to travel, some people want to stay home.

However you want to retire, you need to do it the right way…

Retirement can be a complex topic, but I’m about to reveal a retirement priority that’ll simplify everything and get you retired the way YOU want.

Retiring the way YOU want requires you to understand the most important piece of the retirement puzzle…


More specifically, finding what purpose means to you is going to be the main reason your retirement becomes everything you want it to be.

What will give you the most fulfilling sense of purpose in retirement?

  • Will it be starting a brand new career in which you continue to be a contributing member of a team?
  • Will it be joining a volunteer organization to help those in need?
  • Will it be broadening your horizons through traveling around the country and world?
  • Will it be being with your family as much as possible?

I think this is the most important thing to ask yourself whether you’re planning for retirement or are already there.


Because purpose will give you fulfillment, it will motivate you to do more and become better, it will provide that happiness we all crave, and it will keep you from regretting time wasted.

Finding your sense of purpose in retirement will be the singular notion I plan my retirement around, and I encourage you to do the same.

And don’t be afraid to change your life in order to find that purpose.

Then consider how it is you’ll get there…

If you need to beef up your resume to get ready for the career you want in retirement, start doing so now. Talk to someone in the industry you seek to enter and start adding the skills you’ll need.

If you want to volunteer, do some research on the type of organization you want to be a part of. Then reach out. The people in charge there will likely be looking for additional help all the time, so get in touch and let them know your plan to get involved.

If you plan on traveling throughout retirement, think about the money you’ll need to have saved up or how you’ll add income to fund your traveling in retirement. Then plan the traveling itself.

If you’ll be seeing family as much as possible, decide on the best course of action to do so. Would it be better to sell your home and purchase an RV to travel from family group to family group? Think about different, possibly outside the box, possibilities.

No matter what you want to do in retirement, make sure it gives you purpose.

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