Kick your cold in 11 simple steps

MarkedwardsThe last time you had a cold, you probably did what everybody else does and load up on medicine from the pharmacy’s shelf.

Thousands of cold and flu products claim that they’re “the only cure” for the common cold. I’ve found a natural cure, and it works for me every time I get sick.

These 11 steps to wellness will kick your cold before you know it, and save you some money on that expensive medicine that tricks your body into thinking you’re better…

This cold remedy I’ve constructed is compiled of the 11 steps that restore me back to full health every time I get sick.

Why would you wait around for decongestants to get to work? All they do is trick your immune system to believe that you’re healthy, while pushing of the cold and flu bacteria on a temporary basis.

These 11 steps strengthen your immune system, while restoring you back to your natural state of health.

Follow them very closely and you’ll have kicked the cold in no time.

Step 1

Take the time to understand how your body works. Cold and flu symptoms shouldn’t always be heavily treated.

Most of the time, the symptoms are a sign that your body is fighting against the harmful bacteria that’s keeping you unwell.

A standard fever is your body’s way of boiling out all the bad bacteria. If you take medicine that fights your fever, the bad bacteria will roam free.

Enduring a fever for a day or two could speed up your recovery.

In the same sense, coughing is your body’s way of clearing blocked mucus that’s attempting to make its way to your stomach.

Decongestants tend to restrict the flow of blood vessels in your body, allowing bad bacteria to flow freely.

Step 2

Make sure you’re blowing your nose immediately, and not too hard.

Getting rid of any mucus is an important step to recovery, but blowing your nose too hard can send the mucus to your ear-ways, which causes those nasty headaches you feel when you’re sick.

Step 3

Try using warm salt water to unblock nasal congestion.

More specifically, mix ¼ teaspoon of salt and a ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of warm water. Use a nasal irrigation kit to cleanse your nasal cavities.

Step 4

Allow your body to fight off your cold by conserving as much energy as you can.

The old cliché of staying in bed and getting rest is very necessary for a successful recovery.

For the first few days of the cold, get as much rest and keep as warm as you possibly can in order to conserve energy and allow your body to naturally fight off harmful bacteria.

Step 5

Cough drops might provide a very short-term relief for a sore throat, but there’s a natural and more effective way.

Mix half a teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water and gargle it four times a day. The warm salt water soothes the muscles in your throat and relieves any pain you may be suffering through.

Step 6

Drinking hot liquids is key to relieving congestion and sinus pain.

These are the primary symptoms that prevent you from sleeping at night, but with a “hot toddy” you’ll be able to sleep like a baby.

A “hot toddy” is a warm drink that consists of hot herbal tea, honey, and a small shot of bourbon. Don’t exceed one of these drinks per night before you’re fully recovered, otherwise the alcohol will inflame your membranes and make the cold last longer.

Step 7

A steamy shower can be just as good at clearing your congestion as any name-brand medicine.

You don’t even have to be in the hot shower. As long as the steam has access to your airways, you’ll feel the positive effects.

Step 8

Open up your breathing passages by using a small dab of mentholated salve just under your nose.

This also helps the relief of irritated skin around the area that you apply it to, killing two birds with one stone.

Step 9

Using either hot or cold packs around congested sinuses helps to alleviate the swelling that causing congestion and headaches.

A hot towel or a frozen bag of peas will do the trick. This small step is an important one in your road to recovery.

Step 10

The extra pillow trick is a great way to drain your sinuses.

By placing an extra pillow under your head at night, you elevate your head, which in turn relieves your congested nasal passages.

You’re basically draining your body of harmful fluids that cause aches and pains while you’re sick.

Step 11

Toughen up your immune system by eating foods that are high in bacteria fighting ingredients.

These foods should help you to a speedy recovery, while helping prevent any oncoming cold or flu symptoms:

  • Bananas – full of vitamins
  • Bell peppers – contain a lot of vitamin C
  • Blueberries – high in natural aspirin, which fights fevers, aches, and pains
  • Carrots – contain beta-carotene
  • Jalapenos – clears your sinuses
  • Cranberries – prevent bacteria from sticking to cells in your stomach
  • Mustard – breaks up mucus in your air passages
  • Onions – filled with phytochemicals which fight bronchitis and other infections
  • Black/Green tea – contains lots of herbs and antioxidants that aid in your fight for wellness

By using all 11 of these steps, you could be on your way to kicking that nasty flu out of your system in no time.

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