Natural health wonder or pseudoscience?

MarkedwardsOne person calls it a proven form of medical treatment, but another calls it a joke. One person says it’s a wonder of natural health, yet another says it’s nothing more than a pseudoscience.

There’s no denying that not everyone has accepted this particular form of alternative medicine, but do you have all of the facts?

From back pain to digestive problems to headaches and more, your ailments might be easily cured by this natural health practice…

More and more studies continue to come out that confirm the effectiveness of acupuncture in regards to the treatment of an array of different conditions. Perhaps that accounts for the rising popularity and support of the ancient Chinese method.

So while this isn’t a flat-out pep rally for acupuncture, I ask that you set aside your preconceived notions of this alternative medical practice to hear how it could be the answer you’ve been looking for…

In essence, this non-conventional form of treating ailments works by helping to release the body’s natural pain relievers, like endorphins, producing the positive brain chemical serotonin and relieving inflammation, as well as bringing many other body processes into normal function.

And through the use of tiny needles, here are some of the issues acupuncture could help relieve…

Digestive Problems

One of the main reasons that people turn to acupuncture is its ability to treat the things that nothing else can. One such thing in many cases is digestive problems, such as nausea caused by anesthesia and irritable bowel syndrome.

Even the World Health Organization, or WHO, recommends acupuncture for nausea relief and notes its practical use in treating GI spasms.

Back Pain

In several studies, acupuncture has been found to be at least as affective at relieving back pain as traditional drugs. That’s some very interesting news for many of us, especially when you consider that around 80% of people experience lower-back pain at one time or another.


If you experience chronic headaches or migraines, think about giving acupuncture a shot. It’s been called a must-try therapy for those types of patients, as more and more people are experiencing the healing power of this medical practice.

Allergies & Asthma

Multiple studies have shown positive results for those affected by either asthma or allergies when undergoing acupuncture treatments for a consistent period. Even more insightful is the fact that those good results faded when the acupuncture treatments were discontinued.

Maybe acupuncture really can be the help you’ve been looking for.

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