No Product? No Problem. Profit Anyway!

You may have heard business “gurus” say that a successful business relies solely on the product…

Well, it may shock you to hear that that’s nonsense. Sure, a revolutionary product can drive a business, but you can make a HUGE amount of income without your own product at all!

This insight has been handing over millions for years. It’s time for you to take your slice!

I know what you’re thinking right now…

How in the world can I make money without my own product?!

It simply comes down to two simple words.

Resale rights.

Resale rights are simple: You gain the right to sell somebody else’s product.

And you’ll be happy to know that getting your hands on a product can be fairly simple. But there’s always a catch – that you must pay the owner of the product up to 50% (or sometimes more) every time you make a sale…

But what if there’s a way around that? What if there’s an option that allowed you to keep 100% of the profits from the sale of someone else’s product? There is…

[As I pull out the giant megaphone again] Resale rights!

The idea is simple. Someone else creates a product, you purchase that product with a resale rights license, and then you are free to sell it as the merchant for 100% of the profit!

You may be wondering why someone would include resale rights on their product…

It could be any number of reasons:

a) They’re willing to include resale rights to put a slightly higher price tag on the product.

b) They want fast profits and aren’t thinking long term.

c) They don’t know how to properly market, so they feel they can’t sell their product well enough, and resort to resale rights as a last-ditch effort.

The owner could be giving up on their product when all it really needs is a better title or a new format!

It’s a full business that could fall into your lap…

And you don’t have to look far to see proof of others who’ve used resale rights to launch their own million-dollar-businesses with someone else’s product!

So, when you’re ready to launch the business of your dreams on somebody else’s product, remember the two secret words: resale rights.

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