Protects your social security from Equifax destruction

Well, they’ve done it again… Equifax—one of the three main U.S. credit bureaus—has exploited your privacy by allowing thieves to access their system through vulnerabilities.

You could be one of 143 million people who might’ve had their dream of retirement ripped out from underneath them.

But there’s a way to safeguard from this.

It doesn’t matter whether your information has been compromised or if you just want to protect your retirement from this happening again, this will keep you safe from the elitists who don’t care about your privacy…

It took Equifax 6 weeks to disclose that their systems had been hacked, affecting 143 million people in the U.S.

Considering the U.S. population of 323 million, that’s almost half of all Americans. That means there’s almost a 50/50 chance your personal information has been compromised!

There’s also a good chance you still haven’t been notified about this ordeal, because they decided not to reach out to the people who were affected individually.

If it’s not bad enough Equifax allowed these thieves to access their system, they’re now asking you to clean up after their mess.

But hope is not completely lost.

Soon I’m going to show you how you can check to see if your information has been leaked and what you can do to remedy any damage done, while making sure it doesn’t happen again in the future.

But first I want you to understand what’s at stake here…

When I say, “your information has been leaked,” I’m talking about your name, address, work information, social security number, mortgage information, credit score, and anything else that’s collected when you apply for a credit card or loan.

That’s basically your whole life handed over to low-life thieves.

With that information, these people can apply for credit cards and loans under your name and leave you with the bills.

But while the media is caught up on that, I’ve come across something that would be even more damaging.

Your retirement.

These thieves could claim your social security benefits for themselves, leaving you with nothing when you go to dip into your retirement.

Millions of lives will be altered by this tragedy. Some people may even have to continue working right through their retirement and into their final days.

But not you.

I’m going to show you how you can reclaim your identity, and save yourself from this fraud if it ever happens again (which it will).

First, let’s see if you’ve been directly affected by this breach of privacy. Follow these few simple steps to find out.

You’ll most likely get a message saying something along the lines of: “We believe your information may have been compromised. Please follow these few steps.”

If this is the case, follow their steps and enroll in their free (for a limited time) identity theft protection program.

After that, you can follow my method for protecting yourself if this ever happens again.

Please note: if you haven’t been affected by this recent breach, you’re not entirely safe when the next one happens. Therefore, you should listen to what I have to say about protecting yourself.

Now, the prospect of this happening again is somewhat likely. It may not be Equifax again, but it could happen to TransUnion or Experian (the other two major U.S. credit bureaus).

Obviously, your credit score is vital to your financial status. You need it for your mortgage, your retirement, and any new credit cards or loans.

It’s almost impossible to live a financially stable life without it.

But you don’t necessarily have to be so reliant on it.

When breaches of privacy—like the recent Equifax one—happen, these hackers can access your credit cards, loans, and retirement funds, but there’s a few things they can’t touch.

One of those things is cash.

It’s a good idea to keep a reserve of cash on hand in case anything like this happens again.

You should also invest in physical gold. This is a good investment regardless, and the hackers can’t get their hands on this valuable metal.

Another way of sidestepping this disaster is to sever your reliance on the banks for loans.

Use other mediums, like the stock market, real estate, and business, to fund your financial needs.

If you rely on social security benefits when you retire, you could be in for a bumpy ride.

I sincerely hope that you’re not one of the people affected by this Equifax disaster, but if you are, there’s still hope for you.

Using these tips to sidestep another disaster like this is vital to your financial health.

Please don’t take this lightly.

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