The hidden health benefits of coffee and tea

If you’re anything like the average American, then you’ll be on the prowl for a caffeine fix before the day is over.

People in the states drink about 400 MILLION cups of coffee a day!

But even if this black and gold liquid isn’t for you, I’m sure you’re turning to tea or some other type of energy drink instead.

No, I’m not here to vouch for those carbonated cans of caffeine and sugar, my goal is to open your eyes to some of the lesser known health benefits that coffee and tea have to offer.

So, here are some tips on how to make the most out of your caffeine craving the next time it comes around.

There’s no shame in starting your day off with a cup of joe or drinking tea for an extra midday push.

About 90% of adults in America consume some kind of caffeinated beverage per day and for good reason…

Sure, it gives you the pick-me-up you’re looking for, but it also releases chemicals in your brain, like cortisol and norepinephrine, which reduce inflammation and help with low blood pressure.

A few sips of caffeine infused liquid can even trigger mood-boosting serotonin and pleasurable dopamine!

I guess that explains why drinking coffee has been correlated to a decreased risk of depression.

The only real argument against coffee, besides stained teeth and bad breath, is the crash that usually comes along with it.

Most people don’t realize that this can be easily mitigated though if you’re willing to cut back on the sugar and replace it with fat instead.

Doing so simply prolongs the effects of caffeine in your system and gradually eases you off those amped-up sensations once it starts to wear off.

Feel free to go for more cream or eat more eggs and bacon for breakfast if you want to harness the true potential of your coffee.

Still, if this isn’t your cup of tea, then maybe tea is…

Most caffeinated tea comes from the same plant and for the most part carries the same health benefits in terms of alertness and performance.

But if you’re looking for the king of all teas, then matcha is what you want to be pouring into your cup.

With 66 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounces, matcha tea has more caffeine than black tea but slightly less than black coffee.

So you don’t have to worry about missing out on that drinkable energy boost.

Unlike coffee though, matcha actually helps fight off bad breath!

On top of that, the tea leaves produce L-theanine, an amino acid that has been proven to improve cognitive function and cut down on anxiety or the jitters.

In other words, it’s a smoother ride than coffee that provides greater focus than any other natural caffeine source.

Whatever your caffeine preference may be, just know there’s more that comes along with consuming coffee or tea than just a pick-me-up.

Although it’s often the main reason why we turn to these drinks, just know that there are many other neurochemicals that play a part behind the scenes as well.

When it comes to health, natural is always better than artificial. So opt-in for coffee beans or tea leaves instead of sugar in a can.

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