The new housing bubble Profit Playbook

Jim_SamsonI was about to ask you if you remember the housing bubble that sent the markets and economy into chaos, but how could any of us forget?

That was a devastating time for the vast majority of Americans, but did you know that there was a small group of people who saw it coming and positioned themselves to make BIG, life-changing profits from it all? Check out the film, “The Big Short” to get the right idea.

Well, there’s a new housing bubble that’s been growing and growing. When it pops, massive amounts of money are going to change hands again.

And if you follow this Profit Playbook, you’ll know exactly how to end up on the winning team this time…

It all really starts with high and growing consumer debt in Canada, I suppose.

Mix that together with poor employment numbers, bad economic news, and a struggling dollar (still talking about Canada here), and we have ourselves a situation in which we may actually see the US raise interest rates while Canada drops theirs.

Of course, that’s assuming that Fed Chair Janet Yellen and her colleagues ever actually follow through with their public statements that rate hikes are on the cards…don’t hold your breath…

But the big situation here that deserves our undivided attention is the Canadian housing bubble that’s continuing to be blown bigger and bigger.

I’ve covered some of the issues regarding this topic in the recent past, so I won’t rehash the whole thing, but I will say that Canadian property has been getting easily bought up like crazy by people who shouldn’t be able to do so based on their economic situations.

That’s almost exactly what happened in the US when our housing bubble was reaching the size of the moon!

But that’s enough doom and gloom from me – you get the picture, right?

So what is it that YOU can do to ensure you end up standing at the bottom of the waterfall of money when the bubble bursts?

The first and most obvious bit of advice would be to sell any property, real estate, etc. that you may own in Canada.

And if you’re looking to pick up any Canadian real estate, do yourself a favor and wait a few years – you could see upwards of 40% discounts on today’s prices!

And lastly, it’s time to consider shorting the Canadian dollar and Canadian real estate. That’s where the big money is going to come from.

This is what our expert team here at The Midas Legacy is going to be doing for subscribers of our premium services, like Midas Wave Alert and C.H.I.R.P.!

Get your money bucket ready…

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