This stress reliever trick works like magic

The #1 prevention of success is stress.

Stress clogs your brain and stops you from being productive and thinking straight.

Think about the last time you were in a high stress situation… chances are the mishaps just kept piling up and it felt like what could go wrong would go wrong.

This is normal human behavior, but there’s a very simple trick that eradicates stress and lets you focus on the productivity and success you’re going for.

Once you start using this trick, you’ll have the power to do anything.

This is going to sound super obvious in theory, but when it comes to practice most people ignore it.

The simple trick I’m talking about is giving your 100% to everything you do.

That line has become so cliché that we often look over the importance of it.

As kids we are told if we give 100%, we will get where we want to go in life.

As we get older, we start to disbelieve that and the idea of giving 100% gets soured.

But I’m here today to revive that theory and show you how it can relieve you from stress and get you everything you want.

I want to start off by clarifying something.

Giving your 100% and knowing that you gave your 100% are two different things. The second part is the important factor here.

A lot of people feel like they give their 100% and still feel disappointed that they fell short.

The truth is they probably didn’t give their 100%.

If you know deep down that you’ve given your 100% to your day, then your stress levels will come down and you should have nothing to worry about.

That’s because you know you gave your best effort.

Anything short of 100% will pile up the next day and the next day and so on.

There’s a big difference between your 100% effort falling short and your 90% effort falling short.

Sure, in most cases 90% of something is decent… but it’s not 100%.

What if that extra 10% would’ve made you succeed in what you were doing?

It’s the regret of not giving that last 10% that ruins the next thing we strive for. Before we know it, we’re on a downward spiral on the percentage scale.

So, as simple as it sounds, make sure you’re giving your 100% to everything you do, AND make sure that you’re recognizing it…

The success will take care of itself.

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