Your 3-step checklist for increasing sales

Studies show that implementing a safety checklist during medical procedures has a 22% reduction in post-surgical death.

From grocery shopping to preparing for takeoff, almost every task that you set out to accomplish comes along with a corresponding to-do list that can make or break the final outcome.

Obviously the life or death factor of using a checklist during surgery is an extreme, but you can apply this same concept to the viability of your own business as well.

That’s why I’ve listed 3 items to check-off your list, when it comes to boosting the sales of your business.

Item #1: Follow your customers.

Without a customer base to back it, the product or service you’re trying to market is worth nothing. You absolutely NEED customers to support the demands of your business.

Think of these customers as the fuel that powers your business. The gas pump isn’t going to just come to you though. You have to track it down and fill up the tank yourself.

Simply put, if the buyers aren’t coming to you, then you need to come to them. Lucky for you, the internet has made this process a lot less taxing.

Nowadays, you can determine your target audience and reach customers without even leaving the comfort of your home.

Either way, you may want to reevaluate how to get in front of these customers in the most direct and relevant way possible.

Item #2: Be concise.

Once you’ve managed to grab the attention of potential buyers, don’t beat around the bush with what you’re trying to sell.

Statistics show that the average customer has a retention rate of about 8 SECONDS. So, you’ll want to make the most out of this short time frame. Be quick, straightforward and confident in your approach in order to bring more people through the doors of your business.

You can still maintain the appeal of your product without adding in all the fluff. Focus on what’s important and then relay it to your customers. It’s that simple.

If you don’t believe me, you can look at other corporations, like Apple (AAPL), who have threaded this same tactic into their business model. The company itself was founded on simplicity in regard to the user experience and there’s no doubt that it’s paid off in the long run.

Don’t overcomplicate things. Reel in customers, explain what it is you’re trying to sell and sell it.

Item #3: Go for relationships NOT transactions.

This is easily the most important item to tick off from your sales to-do list, which is why I’ve saved the best for last…

Ideally, the best way to build a profitable business is to develop strong, enduring relationships that encourage your customers to return.

Believe it or not, loyal customers are worth about 10x as much as their first purchase!

This value may seem high, but it’s because there’s a 60-70% probability of selling to an existing customer. On the other hand, there’s only about a 5-20% chance of selling to a completely new prospect.

To say the least, it pays to keep your customers returning for more, which is why you should make a conscious effort to construct long-lasting relationships with them.

Well, there you have it… The next time you’re looking to easily boost the sales of your business, remember to check off these 3 items from your to-do list.

Targeting your customer base, keeping your pitch short and sweet and building relationships to last are all essential blueprints that can lead to a successful business.

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