Is Trump hoping for a collapse?

Is Trump hoping for a collapse?

With the recent launch of WSI TV from The Midas Legacy’s sister publication,, I wanted to extend an invitation for you to check out one of the very first productions. And it could turn out to be one of the most important episodes we ever bring to our members. Why? Because it could predict […]

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The new housing bubble Profit Playbook

The new housing bubble Profit Playbook

I was about to ask you if you remember the housing bubble that sent the markets and economy into chaos, but how could any of us forget? That was a devastating time for the vast majority of Americans, but did you know that there was a small group of people who saw it coming and […]

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The missing piece of your retirement puzzle

The missing piece of your retirement puzzle

Whether you’re already retired or just preparing for it, there’s a very good chance that you’ve left out at least 1 vital piece of the retirement puzzle. Why? Because most Americans have… So while you may have enough of the puzzle to cram it all together into a halfway decent retirement, don’t you deserve to […]

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Steal this secret of the Rich Man

Steal this secret of the Rich Man

Have you ever noticed that wealthy and successful people tend to have many similarities to one another? It’s not a coincidence. There are psychological and practical reasons for doing certain things, and those secrets of the rich are a part of how they achieved the goals that have gotten them to where they are now. […]

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Do THIS, sit back, & get paid forever

Do THIS, sit back, & get paid forever

My favorite type of income is the one I get effectively forever for a relatively small amount of work up front. For example, I still get paid royalties from a book I wrote several years ago. This sort of money, where you do one thing and then sit back and collect paycheck after paycheck for […]

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Your revenge on Wall Street

Your revenge on Wall Street

Do you remember losing a huge chunk of your retirement savings when the market went to hell in 2008? Brace yourself for this: you didn’t have to lose that money. While the bank manager handling your money at that time told you, “It’s happening for everyone. But don’t worry – it’s about to turn around. […]

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This raises your home’s value 50%

This raises your home’s value 50%

Let’s say that right now you’re hunting for a home to live in for the next 10+ years. You have a spouse, 2 young children, and a dog. What’s going to be the most important thing you look for when you’re checking out prospective homes? A pool? An extra bedroom? A certain number of bathrooms? […]

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This ‘miracle drink’ is changing lives

This ‘miracle drink’ is changing lives

What if you could wake up, throw back a drink in the morning with breakfast, and then live life pain-free?! One of the most frustrating things for me is looking around to constantly see people struggling with issues like chronic pain for their entire lives because they rely on big pharma to help them. The […]

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Don’t let Social Security rip you off

Don’t let Social Security rip you off

“Social security is a nightmare!” Unfortunately, I hear that all too often from students and peers of mine. Social Security is easily one of the most complex and frustrating government programs going, but I’m here to simplify it for you. First things first, we’re going to make sure you don’t fall victim to Social Security’s […]

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Makes you an expert in anything in 4 weeks

Makes you an expert in anything in 4 weeks

For some reason, the vast majority of people are all too willing to give themselves limitations. Severe limitations. For instance, I recently spoke with a Midas Legacy student who thought he had the ability to start his own business in just 1 field. As he explained to me, he didn’t go to college and had […]

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4 side businesses to start today

4 side businesses to start today

I’ll never forget the feeling when I realized that I would no longer be suffocating under piles of debt and bills. It was like living an entire life under water and then finally being able to surface for the first time. And it never would have been possible if I didn’t decide that I A) […]

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Turning your salary into your ‘2nd income’

Turning your salary into your ‘2nd income’

At this point, my salary seems like my ‘other income’. Why? Because it’s no longer going to be my primary source of money flowing into my account! Instead, my salary is more like a ‘bonus income’ because I’m starting to make more from a completely different source…without having to go into work for it, by […]

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This win-win doubles your money

This win-win doubles your money

Don’t you love it when everybody wins? These win-win scenarios are certainly rare to find, but they’re also the best sources of life-changing money. And thankfully there’s a simple trick that virtually anyone, including YOU, can use to set up one win-win scenario after another, and make big money from each one…

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Retiring here ruins your golden years

Retiring here ruins your golden years

Perhaps the most important part of any retirement plan is where you want to retire. But you’re not alone if you hadn’t given much thought to moving out of your current home. With that being said, knowing which states are better for retirees than others can be the difference between your dream retirement and a […]

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